I never bought into the zeitgeist. Since early childhood, I was just never cut out for that. Crowd psychology of every ilk struck me (then as now) as being pathologically dumb, the aspirations of society being based on fundamentally false premises and besides, crowds can’t actually think at all. My requirement for the culture of that time to accept my objective, non-subscriptionist thinking caused considerable strife in grade school, so I wound up seeking and being granted educational asylum nearby in Berkeley. I’d like to say that in Berkeley I was surrounded by free thinkers, but alas I was mostly surrounded by ideologues. That their ideals happened to coincide with my own didn’t actually mean much.
By middle school, back in Castro Valley, my mindset and that of the local school district had passed each other entirely, going in opposite directions. It was at this time that my folks and I turned to John and Joyce Livergood, champions of free thinking and alternative education, devout non-subscribers to the status quo, who ran an excellent school called Shady Grove.

John Livergood, presiding comfortably over an early morning gathering in the garage, tossing out pearls of wisdom with customary nonchalance.
OMG Byron!
Thank you. That brought tears to my eyes. I, too, felt at ease and forgot how much of an impact that time had on my spirit!
Hope to see you in a few weeks!
Wonderful tribute, By! And a lot I had not known about Shady Grove.